Bluebird Senior Tours

The Bluebird Tours are a great way for seniors age 55 and older to take in the sights of Washington, DC, for an affordable price. If you live in Prince William County and the cities of Manassas and Manassas Park, you can take anywhere from an afternoon to multiple days to enjoy the city and select from many unique itineraries to accommodate your tastes.
If you’re considering this tour, be sure you know and take care of these details!
If you want to enjoy the Bluebird Tour, you need to make reservations by telephone at +1 (703) 360-2800 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. anytime from Monday to Friday. Just remember that reservations can only be made for up to 4 people for each phone call. In addition, one-day tours only run with a minimum of 20 people, while overnight tours need at least 30 people.
When making your reservations, be sure to tell our DC Trials staff:
- Dietary restrictions
- Seating preferences
- Additional important information
How to Pay
After booking your reservation, you have 2 weeks to make your payment. You can choose to pay with cash, credit card, or money order. However, if you don’t make your payment within 2 weeks your name may be removed from the reservation list.
If you require a receipt, be sure to request it at the time of payment and provide an active email address. If you don’t have an email, you can ask for your reservation payment confirmation to be mailed to you.
Refunds, Cancellation, and Insurance
To cancel your reservation, you need to call Quality Tour Transportation and speak to an agent that handles Bluebird Tours. For day trips, you must pay a $5.00 fee and for overnight trips a $10.00 fee. In terms of trip cancellation insurance, it is only available for overnight tours. Just remember that the price of insurance is not included in the initial payment.
Insurance provides:
- Trip interruption coverage
- Baggage up to $500
- Emergency accident/sickness medical expenses up to $2,5000
- Emergency evacuation repatriation of remains up to $25,000
DC Trails offers exciting tours for seniors!
If you’re interested in Bluebird Tours, our team at DC Trails can help you plan your trip and reserve a spot on the right tour for you. Contact us today for booking or more information about our services!

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